Registered Name: Friends of the Meaford Library
Business No: 890018062RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Our Mission
The Friends of Meaford Library in Meaford, Ontario was formed in 1993 after the provincial government cut back funding for Libraries. Concerned citizens responded to the need to support our local Library by raising funds to purchase materials, fund programs and to support our Library in any way we could.
We continue to look for ways to improve our libraries library of books, CD's, tapes, e-books, programs for all ages, and community enhancement. Find out more at:
The Friends of Meaford Library in Meaford raise most of their funds from donations received from the 'sale' of gently used books from their store front, 'The Net Shed' on the harbour in Meaford.
The Friends accept donations of gently used books and 'sell' them. The price is always whatever the customer wants to donate to the Library and all 'sales' are donations. Actually; it is more like a book flea market.
You can find titles in this facility that have been out of print for years and are still popular. Timeless authors still abound on the shelves of The Net Shed. It is a haven for all ages.
The Net Shed is open weekends from May 24th to Thanksgiving from 10:00am to 4:00pm, holiday Mondays from 10:00am to 1:00pm. Volunteers man the store every weekend.
Any donation that you consider can be pointed at a specific initiative you specify or to the general goal of helping the Meaford Library to serve all our citizens and provide better materials, programs and other services.