Pacific Spirit United Church
Registered Name: Pacific Spirit United Church
Business No: 119130417RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Our Commitment
Pacific Spirit United Church, a Christian community:
Living lives of meaning, through faith, service and God’s love.
In God’s ever re-creating world, we are formed anew, open to possibilities.
We trust God is leading us.
A Christian community, welcoming seekers, questioners and believers;
A Diverse, Affirming and Reconciling congregation.
We find expressions of Jesus’ love in
The wisdom of our children;
The elders who hold a rich heritage;
The grace of those in between;
Action, compassion and caring;
Attentiveness to Creation;
Hearts open to the Divine.
We draw closer to the Holy through
Worship that transforms;
Spiritual practices that deepen faith;
Hands and hearts offered in justice, responding to the world;
Scripture and study that lead us to radical wonder;
Music that opens us to awe;
The Arts as an expression of the Sacred.
Many ways to enter; many ways to engage; many ways to respond to the Spirit’s call.
Pacific Spirit United Church:
Living lives of meaning…