Renovations at St. Francis Xavier Church
Business No: 119110450RR0051
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
About renovations:
The renovation will focus on the following elements of our Church: 1. Fixing some areas of celling that were damaged due to water leaks, and painting the ceiling and walls of the church. 2. Removal of all pews and refinishing them, including installation of new book holders and new cushions for kneelers. 3. Removal of all old floor tiles in the nave, crying rooms, sacristy, walkway behind the altar, and also removal of old carpet from the nave and confessionals. Just so you know, all tiles in the church contain asbestos and will be removed according to the government specifications. 4. Installation of new floor in all mentioned above areas (porcelain tiles in the nave; LVT in the crying rooms, the sacristy, walkway behind the altar and carpet tiles in the confessionals). 5. Wiring and installation of new lights in the nave and sanctuary of the Church.
Please pray for all those who will be working on this complicated renovation, for their safety and well-being.