Registered Name: PARISH OF ST. GEORGE'S
Business No: 119078681RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Our Mission
Through the love of God,
the teachings of Jesus Christ,
and the guidance of the Holy Spirit,
St. George’s strives to create
a welcoming, worshipping,
and dynamic community
so that we celebrate
the Gospel of Jesus Christ
in witness and service.
St. George's Anglican Church is located in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, Canada. Our Church Family has been richly blessed. We have so many individuals who are involved in an ever- growing number of ministries. Our Sunday attendance has increased dramatically (many former members have returned, new families are joining us), our traditional ministries are being enhanced, new ministries are being created, our outreach program is expanding, our properties are well maintained, we are meeting all our financial responsibilities. We have an increasing number of young families attending church.We welcome you to attend any of services or become involved with one of our varied ministries.