Luther Village
Registered Name: LUTHER VILLAGE INC.
Business No: 119026383RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Luther Village is a outdoor Christian camping ministry of the Manitoba Northwestern Ontario Synod of the ELCIC.
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Luther Village is owned by the Manitoba-Northwestern Ontario Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Canada.
Our Mission Statement: "Under God's grace, Luther Village exists to provide Christian ministry in a harmonious outdoor setting to give all individuals the opportunity for growth and renewal of mind, body, and soul."
Our Vision: "Luther Village is God's sanctuary! It's a vibrant Christian community where all are welcome."
Our ten cabins, lodge and chalet, range from rustic log to newer luxury, can house families, individuals or groups from as few as one or two up to 20 (total beds – 96). The log dining hall seats up to 90 people comfortably. Our large chapel and Wolf’s Ridge - multipurpose youth games room - are available for a variety of uses and set ups. There are two campgrounds with hook-ups for water, electricity and sewer in the main campground sites.Fellowship and community are two common words adults and youth alike believe of Luther Village. Our summer programs available for families, adults and youth campers encourage individuals in their lives while playing at the waterfront, hiking, fire building, learning new skills in the archery range, singing at campfires, joining with others at our nightly campfires and worshiping together under the majestic pines. School groups use Luther Village for their outdoor education programs that can be custom-made to accommodate all needs.