Business No: 118899418RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
One of the oldest congregations in the City of Waterloo with a proud history of outreach and service to others.
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When people come to Emmanuel for the first time, they always comment on how friendly and welcoming the people are – that is important to us. We are diverse, accepting and inviting. Emmanuel United Church is among the oldest congregations in Waterloo – having started before 1850. Originally Evangelical United Brethren, it joined the United Church in 1968.
These funds support Emmanuel United Church:
- General: The General fund supports the basic operation of the church.
- Mission & Service: The Mission & Service fund supports outreach within our community and abroad.
- Vera's Place: Vera's Place will provide a dry house for women in Waterloo recovering from substance abuse.
- Waterloo Wayside: Programs supported by the Waterloo Wayside Centre include the Bridgeport Cafe, Sharewear, the Medical Clinic and the Foodbag Program.
- Concert & Music Support: Emmanuel hosts concerts throughout the year. Donations to this fund support concert expenses including artist fees.
We are blessed with a wide range of ages and outlooks in the congregation. There are abundant seniors, middle-agers, young families, university students, teens and children. The membership at Emmanuel is approximately 400 with an average attendance of 150 people each Sunday.
Music is very important to us and an integral part of our services. We have active choirs, a wonderful pipe organ, a bell choir and are blessed with a beautiful sanctuary with outstanding acoustics.
Emmanuel also prides itself on investing in youth and children. Members are keenly aware that the presence of so many children is a gift, and the congregation is committed to serving them well.
Emmanuel has a history of outreach projects, including programs for the homeless, refugee sponsorship, involvement with Habitat for Humanity, and other endeavours.
There are several groups within our congregation. Among them are Bible and Beers (our post-high-school and up group), Toothpix (senior’s social group), and the Youth Group. We put on many special events: dramas, music nights, square-dance, a Crokinole competition, and other gatherings that allow us to enjoy each other’s company.