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Gift from the Heart

Registered Name: 11095226 Canada Foundation

Business No: 725902886RR0001

Oral health is essential for total wellness, we unite Canadians with Oral Health Professionals & provide free oral services.

Gift from the Heart


Our Mission

The Gift from the Heart is a Canadian charity connecting oral health care professionals to vulnerable Canadians who encounter barriers accessing essential oral health care.

Our Vision

The Gift from the Heart envisions Canadians with improved overall health and a better quality of life through barrier-free access to essential oral healthcare services provided by oral health care professionals.

Our Values

​The W.H.O (World Health Organization) states that: health professionals play a central and critical role in improving access and quality health care for the population.

They provide essential services that promote health, prevent diseases and deliver health care services to individuals, families and communities based on the primary health care approach. 

We believe that the Gift from the Heart event is paramount in delivering this model. Our OPEN WIDE program provides preventive oral healthcare services through our Community Cruiser, a refitted ambulance vehicle. Our team of dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants travel throughout Ontario offering free dental days for those in need unable to access essential oral healthcare.

Improve quality of overall health: As oral health care professionals we educate in oral health and advocate for overall wellness of those we serve.

Community: we support our communities by providing no cost oral health care to our neighbours in need.

Caring: we are committed to giving back with empathy and compassion.

Respect: we believe that all people should be treated with consideration and dignity.

Diversity: we appreciate and encourage diversity for the enrichment it brings.

Teamwork: we are committed to working together with all oral health professionals, volunteers and we seek opportunities to form alliances with others that promote the public good and enhance the oral healthcare community as a whole.




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