Soul Space (First United Church Ottawa)
Business No: 107388076RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
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Soul Space offers holistic wellness creative workshops, café socials, day- and weekend retreats for street health, harm reduction, shelter & social service workers who care for people experiencing homelessness, complex substance use & mental health issues. Frontline workers in this field are passionate and committed to the work that they do as nurses, peer support workers, social service workers, and personal support workers. They often work long hours with little pay and few benefits, providing round the clock care and services to our community's most vulnerable members. Soul Space offers respite in the form of arts-based activities, yoga, meditation, forest therapy, healing touch, and time in nature to address and help them prevent and heal from grief and burnout.
Soul Space offerings are guided by a collective of frontline workers, led by skilled facilitators, and involves people of all faiths and spiritualities drawing on indigenous, inter-faith, ecumenical and other spiritual wisdom. This venture is facilitated through First United Church in Ottawa who provides the financial and governance oversight.
supporter wall
Linsey H donated $50.00!
Thank you for your great work!
Laura D donated $40.00!
Thank you for bringing the movie, Love in the Time of Fentanyl, to our Sandy Hil...
Andrea N donated $100.00!
Seniors info workshops. Terrific!