Giving Life Blog by CanadaHelps Let's talk about giving.

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Growing up in Kandahar, Maryam upbringing was quite different than children growing up in Canada. Now closing in on her $20,000 fundraising goal to save … Read more

Replanting Our Roots

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This blog post was provided by Debbie Field, Executive Director at FoodShare Toronto. FoodShare started up in 1985 in response to economic downturn. We started … Read more

Caring For Our Wild Neighbours

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Charity Spotlight: This post was provided by Andrea Hunt, Executive Director of the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society, as part of our ongoing charity spotlight series. … Read more

A Ticket to Independence

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Charity Spotlight: This post was provided by Rachel Urban Shipley, Communications and Development Coordinator, Causeway Foundation, as part of our ongoing charity spotlight series. Transit … Read more

Dylan’s Story

After growing up in spite of a variety of challenges, Dylan Forseth is now focused on giving back. Raising money for Live Different in preparation … Read more