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White Ribbon

Registered Name: White Ribbon

Business No: 141050708RR0001

Promotes healthy masculinities, advances gender equity, and builds allyship to end all forms of gender-based violence and discrimination.

White Ribbon


About White Ribbon

White Ribbon is a Canadian-registered charitable organization that engages male-identifying individuals along with governments, public and private organizations, and society as a whole in the prevention of gender-based violence by promoting equity and transforming social norms, attitudes, and behaviours. We challenge and support men and boys to realize their full potential to be part of the solution to end all forms of gender-based violence and discrimination. 

What We Do

White Ribbon uses a feminist-informed, strength-based approach to end gender-based violence and discrimination across Canada and around the world.

White Ribbon programs use a holistic approach that fosters gender equity and prevents gender-based violence and discrimination. Our programs are designed to transform harmful social norms, to promote equity and build male allyship. We work multilingually, including in English and French, through a multitude of projects and programs:

  • in elementary, secondary and post-secondary institutions and with all education-related bodies including associations, unions, federations, school boards, parent groups, principal councils, sport associations and faculties
  • in sectors and workplaces to create healthier, safer, more inclusive and respectful workplaces, institutions and governments
  • broadly, through multifaceted social marketing and public education campaigns.

Our Vision 

A future free from all forms of gender-based violence and discrimination.

Our Mission

White Ribbon promotes healthy masculinities, advances gender equity, and builds allyship.

Our Values

At White Ribbon, we are committed to: 

Gender Justice - Equitable rights and opportunities, including understanding and addressing the unique challenges faced by individuals with intersecting identities. 

Innovation - Using what works to inform our programs and services while continuously exploring new and creative approaches to achieve our mission.

Anti-Oppression - Promoting fairness and justice, including recognizing and addressing the impacts of racism and colonialism on Indigenous and systematically marginalized communities.

Integrity - Taking responsibility for our actions and ensuring transparency, accountability, and integrity in all our work. 

Compassion - Working with compassion, empathy, and care in all of our interactions and initiatives, ensuring we have a positive and impactful effect on the individuals and communities we serve.

Collaboration - Building partnerships that are rooted in common values, amplify our strengths and drive our mission forward. 


5200 Yonge Street, 2nd Floor


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