The Friends of The Federation of Calgary Communities
Business No: 119234177RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
About The Friends of The Federation of Calgary Communities
The Friends of the Federation of Calgary Communities is a registered charitable organization with the mandate to:
Provide education to community associations, their executive members and members at large to enable them to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively and economically provide and operate facilities for sporting, recreation, cultural and social activities for the benefit of the community associations and the general public.
The objects for the Friends of the Federation of Calgary Communities are:
- To encourage members of the community to volunteer, and to improve the capacity of organizations to involve them in social development and social services by providing both community members and organizations with training in leadership, organizational, and other needed skills, and with related resources, and have information drives and a volunteer recognition program;
- To advance education by providing the public with training in various art forms and styles;
- To advance education by providing the public with training and related resources in developing healthy communities, including workshops on crime prevention and safety, urban planning and community history;
- To protect the environment by planting and maintaining trees and vegetation, and engaging in related awareness campaigns;
- To provide public amenities, such as a community gardens and green spaces and recreational grounds; and
- To do all other activities that are ancillary and incidental to achieving the above charitable purposes.
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