Vancouver Adapted Music Society
Business No: 130463607RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Our Mission
Supporting people with physical disabilities, from beginners to highly accomplished artists, to pursue music for enjoyment, personal development and for some, professional results.
About Vancouver Adapted Music Society
Founded in 1988, the Vancouver Adapted Music Society has helped hundreds of adults and children with disabilities experience the joys of creating and performing music. Former Mayor of Vancouver Sam Sullivan, a Member of the Order of Canada, was an accomplished pianist before a skiing accident left him with tetraplegia. He helped start VAMS to find a way for he and others with disabilities to surmount physical barriers and enjoy composing, playing and performing music.
In addition to providing the programs and equipment necessary for people with disabilities to enhance their quality of life through music, VAMS encourages the development of positive self-image and goal setting. For VAMS, accessibility means more than access to the physical environment; it means access to facets of life like cultural and creative opportunities that make life fulfilling.