Business No: 119221661RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
We embrace the Okanagan community with two distinct arms of service. Family Services and Recovery and Addiction Services.
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The Bridge: We transform lives and build community
Our Vision
Resilient Communities Where Everyone Thrives
Our Mission
We inspire healthy communities and resilient people through innovation, leadership and collaboration. The Bridge strengthens communities, families and people by offering a constellation of services and programs that reflect our commitment to the incredible potential of all we are honoured to serve.
About Us
The Bridge Youth & Family Services has been a touchstone for some of the most vulnerable families in the Okanagan for 50 years. As an accredited agency, we achieve and maintain the highest international standards of professional practice. In all of our five decades of service we have been inspired by the exceptional leadership of a volunteer Board of Directors which has obliged us to be resourceful and efficient, and yet always compels us to maintain compassion, collaboration and innovation as the focus that drives us forward.
We embrace the Okanagan community with two distinct arms of service. Since inception we have focused on community and families – we work preventatively with new parents and their infants, we counsel families who are struggling with their role, and we are a leader in working on behalf of the Ministry of Children and Family Development with young people in our community who are the most marginalized, street entrenched and disenfranchised.
Our other arm of service includes our substance use resources – as the largest provider of substance use services for the Interior Health Authority, we provide Supported Recovery Housing, Intensive Live-In Youth & Adult Treatment, community-based naloxone training, Outreach Overdose Prevention Services, and Withdrawal Management – detox – for both young people and adults.