Sault Ste. Marie Region Conservation Authority
Business No: 107958431RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
The Sault Ste. Marie Region Conservation Authority (SSMRCA) is one of Ontario's 36 conservation authorities. Located in northern Ontario, our watershed encompasses a 552 square kilometre area which includes the St. Marys River watershed and a number of smaller watersheds draining the northern shore of Lake Superior.
The SSMRCA owns and manages over 5,000 acres of diverse ecosystems including forests, wetlands, and shorelines. Some of the properties contain significant natural features as well as naturalized trail systems used year-round for recreation, education, and research. Other properties have the primary focus of flood control to help protect against the loss of life and property damage due to flooding.
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