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Registered Name: Level. Changing Lives Through Law / Égaliser. Changeons des vies par le droit

Business No: 864513783RR0001

We level the barriers to justice by disrupting prejudice, building empathy and advancing human rights.


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At Level we believe that uniting the power of people, education and law will lead to a more equitable and just society. 

We level the barriers to justice by disrupting prejudice, building empathy and advancing human rights.



We pursue our mission through public legal education, research and advocacy:

Youth Outreach 

We empower Canada’s First Nations, Métis and Inuit youth through justice education and mentorship.

Canadian Chapters

We work with law students to elevate important social justice issues and promote social justice careers.


We form strategic partnerships to tackle pressing access to justice issues and provide legal education to the communities we serve.


Centre for Social Innovation

720 Bathurst Street

Toronto, ON, M5S 2R4

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