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The Fed or The Federation

Registered Name: Federation of B.C. Youth in Care Networks

Business No: 857516702RR0001

The Federation is a youth-driven, provincial, non-profit organization that improves the lives of youth (14-24) in foster care in BC.

The Fed or The Federation

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The Federation of BC Youth in Care Networks (the Fed or Federation) is a youth-driven, provincial, non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of young people in and from government care in BC, between the ages of 14 and 24.  We provide programs and services that help young people come together, get individual support, link with learning opportunities, and unite their voice to create positive change. We were founded in 1993 by youth in care. 

What people are saying

I was a Fed member while I was still a youth in care and won the Dream Fund. I am now a practicing attorney in New York, after graduating from Harvard Law School last year. I would have never thought that I would be here today, and I thank the Fed for all of the support they have given me.

Anonymous Donor and Alumni Member


360 - 555 6th Street

New Westminster, BC, V3L 5H1

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