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Centre for Suicide Prevention


Business No: 823280870RR0001

For over 40 years we’ve been equipping Canadians with knowledge and skills to respond to people considering suicide.

Centre for Suicide Prevention


We equip people with knowledge and skills to respond to those considering suicide.

We educate for life.

Every year in Canada, thousands of people die by suicide. Education is one of few best practices in suicide prevention; it shares knowledge and breaks down stigma. Your donation helps amplify the message that suicide is preventable and hope is possible.

“Every time someone in my life admitted to having thoughts of suicide, I felt unprepared and afraid. I thought it wasn't okay to talk about, I didn't know what to say or how to help. After taking this training, I feel far more confident to have an open and honest conversation”
- Workshop participant

Your gift helps raise awareness and spread hope as we educate for life:

❖ CSP has over 45,000 social media followers and approximately 4,700 mailing list subscribers. Each year, our website attracts more than 450,000 unique visits.
❖ Annually, we deliver over 450 workshops and log over 80,000 learning hours.

Donations to Centre for Suicide Prevention help support our widespread work. Our priority projects include:

• Areas of greatest need

Buddy Up (year-round men’s suicide prevention campaign)

Run for Life (annual awareness and commemoration event)

• Developing educational resources

• Providing educational sessions

Learn more about suicide prevention. Connect with us on social @cspyyc and subscribe to our mailing lists.

Need more information? Connect with us to learn more about the lifesaving work we do in communities, every day. We’d love to hear from you.


"After experiencing many suicides in my personal life, nothing prepared me quite as well as this course…by breaking down the barriers to free-flowing conversation about suicide that was thoughtful, empathetic and real…I feel prepared to support others."

- Workshop participant


Suite 320

105 12 Avenue SE

Calgary, AB, T2G 1A1

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