Canadian Native Friendship Centre (CNFC)
Business No: 129904447RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
The CNFC provides supports to the large and diverse Indigenous population as well as the non-Indigenous community in the Edmonton area.
The Canadian Native Friendship Centre (CNFC) fosters improved relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people and offers culturally sensitive social, recreational, educational, and cultural programs that help to build sustainable futures for Indigenous people.
The vision of the CNFC is toward an integrated, self-reliant Indigenous community who participates as urban citizens taking responsibility for the shared condition in a spirit of health, cooperation and wellness within a strong cultural base.
The mandate of the CNFC is to improve the quality of life of Indigenous people in an urban environment by supporting self determined activities, encouraging equal access to, and participation in Canadian society while respecting Indigenous cultural distinctiveness.