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NECEF Sabeel Canada

Registered Name: Necef Sabeel Canada

Business No: 119246742RR0001

We are a Christian voice for Palestinian Liberation!

NECEF Sabeel Canada


We are a Christian voice for Palestinian Liberation!

NECEF Sabeel Canada (Canadian Friends of Sabeel) responds to calls for solidarity from the Palestinian community by faithfully engaging, educating and equipping the Canadian Christian community and our partners as we pursue our shared calling and vision.

Our vision is to energize the Canadian Christian community as we pursue a durable peace – rooted in justice, freedom, equal rights, and the principles of nonviolence.

Our efforts are guided by the Christian values and principles of non-violence, justice, peace, and solidarity. We work with communities of all faiths and like-minded organizations with similar values to tell the truth.

Canadian Friends of Sabeel is a national ecumenical response to the call of Palestinian Christians for solidarity. Through education and engagement, we support the struggle for equality in justice, freedom, and human rights of Palestinians living under apartheid and the illegal Israeli military occupation. With partners around the world, we work non-violently for a just and durable peace for Palestinians and Israelis.


7565 Newman Blvd.

PO Box 3067, Station LaPierre

Montreal, QC, H8N 3H2

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