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Fondation Senegal Sante Mobile

Registered Name: Fondation Sénégal Santé Mobile

Business No: 734873524RR0001

The Fondation Sénégal Santé Mobile,, helps women and girls live with dignity

Fondation Senegal Sante Mobile


 “Our mission is to provide accessible healthcare for all” 

The Fondation Sénégal Santé Mobile is a non-profit organization that aims to provide essential health services to disadvantaged populations in Senegal and to promote the empowerment and welfare of women and girls.


OUR INNOVATION: We provide essential primary care medications

                  Since 2010, the Fondation has sent some 20 lots of primary care medications and medical supplies to health clinics and birthing centres in Senegal. 

                  Your donation is used to buy, medications, portable instruments and diagnostic tests used to provide high quality healthcare to underserved communities in Senegal.  These are used to improve the welfare of our recipients with the highest quality care possible.

                  Our fundraising is invested in programs to improve the health of children and women in particular. 

OUR INNOVATION: We keep girls in school through the provision of affordable sanitary pads to girls

                  According to UN Women statistics, one in ten girls in sub-Saharan Africa miss school one week once a month because of their menstrual periods.  They do not have proper menstrual hygiene protection. 

In 2014, the Foundation launched the Serviettes SantéVie, reusable cotton sanitary pads that aim to remedy this situation.  The efficient pads work to empower girls and provide freedom of movement during menstruation. 

Our network of partners now includes: UN Women, UNFPA, Marie Stoppes, World Vision, USAID, Plan International, UNICEF and the Catholic Relief Services. 

More than 50,000 women and girls now use our pads. 


                  May 28 has been designated as "Menstrual Hygiene Day".  In Montreal, we have chosen to celebrate the Day with the "Pads for Homeless" campaign.  Since 2016, the Fondation has donated sanitary pads and personal health products to local community organizations including: Dans la rue, Chez Doris, Logifem, Maison Saint Columba, Sun Youth, and Le Chaînon.

 Your donation to the Fondation Sénégal Santé Mobile will:

* Contributes to improve the well being of the most underserved populations, in particular children and young mothers that have to cope on their own.

 * Offers primary care that is equal to that practiced anywhere in the world.

* Helps you assure the welfare of future generations.

 Your donation to the Foundation is an investment in the future!

Your donation to the Foundation saves lives!

 About Fondation Sénégal Santé Mobile

 The Fondation Sénégal Santé Mobile was established to provide continuous primary healthcare to Senegal’s most disadvantaged populations.  The Foundation is an independent non-profit organization. 

 Find Out More About This Charity4100 Benny Avenue, #111Montréal, QC, H4B 2R8

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4100 Benny Avenue, #111

Montréal, QC, H4B 2R8

Visit our website